Mark Wexler
> papers

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M. Wexler, P. Mamassian, A.C. Schütz (2022). Structure of visual biases revealed by individual differences. Vision Research, 195, 108014.

M. Özkan, S. Anstis, B. 't Hart, M. Wexler, P. Cavanagh (2021). Paradoxical stabilization of relative position in moving frames. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA, 118 (25), e2102167118.

M. Duyck, T. Collins, M. Wexler (2021). Visual continuity during blinks and alterations in time perception. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Perfomance, 47(1), 1-12.

M. Wexler (2018). Multidimensional internal dynamics underlying the perception of motion. Journal of Vision, 18(5):7, 1-12. On-line demo

M. Duyck, M. Wexler, E. Castet, T. Collins (2018). Motion masking by stationary objects: A study of simulated saccades. i-Perception, 9(3), 1-11.

L. Dupin, V. Hayward, M. Wexler (2017). Generalized representation of movement in haptic perception. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, 43, 581-595.

M. Duyck, T. Collins, M. Wexler (2016). Masking the saccadic smear. Journal of Vision, 16(10):1, 1-13.

M. Wexler, M. Duyck, P. Mamassian (2015). Persistent states in vision break universality and time invariance. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA, 112, 14990-14995. Supporting information, on-line demos, data

L. Dupin, V. Hayward & M. Wexler (2015). Direct coupling of haptic signals between hands. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA, 112, 619-624.

M. Wexler & T. Collins (2014). Orthogonal steps relieve saccadic suppression. Journal of Vision, 14(2):13, 1-9.

M. Wexler, A. Glennerster, P. Cavanagh, H. Ito & T. Seno (2013). Default perception of high-speed motion. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA, 110, 7080-7085. On-line demos

L. Dupin & M. Wexler (2013). Motion perception by a moving observer in a three-dimensional environment. Journal of Vision, 13(2):15, 1-14.

S. T. Popescu & M. Wexler (2012). Spontaneous body movements in spatial cognition. Frontiers in Psychology, 3:136.

D.A. Wismeijer, C.J. Erkelens, R. van Ee & M. Wexler (2010). Depth cue combination in spontaneous eye movements. Journal of Vision, 10(6):25, 1-15.

T. Knapen, M. Rolfs, M. Wexler & P. Cavanagh (2010). The reference frame of the tilt aftereffect. Journal of Vision, 10(1):8, 1-13.

E. Combe & M. Wexler (2010). Observer movement and size constancy. Psychological Science, 21, 667-675.

C. Morvan & M. Wexler (2009). The nonlinear structure of motion perception during smooth eye movements. Journal of Vision, 9(7):1, 1-13.

M. Wexler & N. Ouarti (2008). Depth affects where we look. Current Biology, 18, 1868-1872. Supplementary information.

M. Wexler & J.J.A. van Boxtel (2005). Depth perception by the active observer. Trends in Cognitive Sciences, 9, 431-438.

M. Wexler (2005). Anticipating the three-dimensional consequences of eye movements. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA, 102, 1246-1251. Supplementary information.

C. Morvan & M. Wexler (2005). Reference frames in early motion detection. Journal of Vision, 5(2), 131-138.

J.J.A. van Boxtel, M. Wexler & J. Droulez (2003). Perception of plane orientation from self-generated and passively observed optic flow. Journal of Vision, 3(5), 318-332.

M. Wexler (2003). Voluntary head movement and allocentric perception of space. Psychological Science, 14, 340-346. Supplementary information.

M. Wexler (2002). More to 3D vision than meets the eye. Trends in Cognitive Sciences, 6, 497-498.

M. Wexler & I. Lamouret (2001). Retinal and extra-retinal contributions to visual stationarity. Submitted to Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance.

M. Wexler, I. Lamouret & J. Droulez (2001). Stationarity: An allocentric criterion in visual perception. Vision Research, 41, 3023-3037.

M. Wexler, F. Panerai, I. Lamouret & J. Droulez (2001). Self-motion and the perception of stationary objects. Nature, 409, 85-88.

M. Wexler & F. Klam (2001). Movement prediction and movement production. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, 27, 48-64.

M. Wexler (1999). Inductive learning with external representations. In Understanding representation, A. Riegler & M. Peschl, eds. Plenum Press, New York.

M. Wexler, S.M. Kosslyn & A. Berthoz (1998). Motor processes in mental rotation. Cognition, 68, 77-94.

Older physics papers

M. Wexler (1995). An approximation for random surfaces on arbitrary target spaces. Unpublished.

J. Ambjørn, G. Thorleifsson & M. Wexler (1994). New critical phenomena in 2D quantum gravity. Nuclear Physics, B439, 187-204.

M. Wexler (1995). From trees to galaxies: The Potts model on a random surface. Nuclear Physics, B438, 629-648.

M. Wexler (1993). Critical behavior of target space mean field theory. Modern Physics Letters, A8, 2703-2714.

M. Wexler (1993). Matrix models on large graphs. Nuclear Physics, B410, 377-394.

M. Wexler (1993). Low temperature expansion of matrix models. Physics Letters, B315, 67-73.